Ultimate Capital – we invest in, partner with and scale technology driven companies to become the leading firms of the new economy
Ultimate Capital - Investment Company
Like in the game of Ultimate Frisbee, we are centered around teamwork and hard work to achieving the highest standards
Ultimate Statistics
Portfolio revenue
Portfolio earnings growth
Investments made
Year-on-year growth in 2021
in the end of 2021
Equity and debt investments
How we
have performed
How we have performed
Portfolio revenue
In 2021
Portfolio earnings growth
Year-on-year growth in 2021
Investments made
Equity and debt investments
Ultimate Capital - Investment Company

Ultimate Capital

We are the partnership of successful entrepreneurs, bankers and senior experts with established track records of building and growing companies. As long-term active investors, we work closely together with founders and management teams of technology driven businesses to achieve market leadership in the new economy sectors
We only participate when we have full conviction of a company’s potential and
a clear path to realizing value
Our principle
About us
Ultimate Capital Companies
Our portfolio includes ten fast-growing companies in four verticals of the new economy, which will be the future champions of their respective niches

4 Investment

Growing the online education ecosystem in Russia and beyond
Modernizing the retail experience to make it personalized, faster and smarter
Revolutionizing the food industry and making it modern, sustainable and efficient
Improving the quality of life through the building of an ecosystem of shared services
Ultimate Projects
Ultimate Capital works with companies that leverage modern technology solutions to challenge traditional business models and practices
Companies in the 4 most dynamic new economy sectors
Ultimate Portfolio
Ultimate Capital Companies
Our portfolio includes ten fast-growing companies in four verticals of the new economy, which will be the future champions of their respective niches

4 Investment

Growing the online education ecosystem in Russia and beyond
Modernizing the retail experience to make it personalized, faster and smarter
Revolutionizing the food industry and making it modern, sustainable and efficient
Improving the quality of life through the building of an ecosystem of shared services
Ultimate Projects
Ultimate Capital works with companies that leverage modern technology solutions to challenge traditional business models and practices
Companies in the 4 most dynamic new economy sectors
Smart retail

Ultimate Capital brings together fast growing, technology companies that will be the future leaders of the new economy

Growing the online education ecosystem in Russia and beyond
Revolutionizing the food industry and making it modern, sustainable and efficient
Improving the quality of life through the building of an ecosystem of shared services
Modernizing the retail experience to make it personalized, faster and smarter
The largest online university for digital professions with hands-on training by market leaders

540 Courses   470 Experts
120 000 Students
Application for placing of orders at restaurants of various concepts

44 Restaurants 160 Chefs
20 000 Guests
Electric scooter sharing service in 45 major cities of Russia

45 Cities   10 Million users
85 000 Scooters
School for creating games, from concept art and 3D graphics to game design and programming

33 Courses   45 Experts
9 100 Students
Practice-oriented School of Business for the Fashion industry

29 Courses   250 Experts
9 000 Students
Collects and processes retail data using crowdsourcing and automatic image recognition systems

24 European countries
Marketing training center with course certification by the Netherlands Institute of Marketing - NIMA

26 Courses   200 Experts
8 922 Students
Online school for psychologists and coaches

29 Courses   100 Experts
10 000 Students
Online school of design and illustration. Courses and intensives from leading experts in the design industry

148 Courses   315 Experts
59 975 Students
Marketing training center with course certification by the Netherlands Institute of Marketing - NIMA

26 Courses   200 Experts
8 922 Students
The largest online university for digital professions with hands-on training by market leaders

540 Courses   470 Experts
120 000 Students
Practice-oriented School of Business for the Fashion industry

29 Courses   250 Experts
9 000 Students
School for creating games, from concept art and 3D graphics to game design and programming

33 Courses   45 Experts
9 100 Students
Application for placing of orders at restaurants of various concepts

44 Restaurants     160 Chefs
200 000 Guests
Electric scooter sharing service in 45 major cities of Russia

45 Cities   10 Million users
85 000 Scooters
Collects and processes retail data using crowdsourcing and automatic image recognition systems

24 European countries
100 days
Ultimate Capital
Value Creation Plan
We partner companies to create a 100 days step-by-step business development plan and support management with our deep operational expertise at every step of the way
How it works
Activity before the deal
360 degree company analysis
Strategizing a short-term and long-term development strategy
Identifying key metrics: The 100-Day Plan
Activity after the deal
Active phase of the 100-day plan: weekly steering committees status updates with the team
Loosen control after meeting main initiatives: every bi-weekly steering committees
Alignment on strategy: monthly board meetings
+ Processes
+ Team strengthening
+ Marketing & Sale
+ Content Product
+ Legal structuring
+ Cash flows
+ Product matrix
+ Overall strategy
+ Analytics and sales efficiency
+ Other verticals
+ International markets

Business value growth

We help companies turn complex scaling goals into a set of clear, feasible steps, build financial discipline and introduce a culture of partnership. Together, these will drive a significant increase in the company's revenue and value in a short time
100 days
Ultimate Capital
Value Creation Plan
We partner companies to create a 100 days step-by-step business development plan and support management with our deep operational expertise at every step of the way
How it works
Activity before the deal
360 degree company analysis
Strategizing a short-term and long-term development strategy
Identifying key metrics: The 100-Day Plan
Activity after the deal
Active phase of the 100-day plan: weekly steering committees status updates with the team
Loosen control after meeting main initiatives: every bi-weekly steering committees
Alignment on strategy: monthly board meetings
+ Processes
+ Team strengthening
+ Marketing & Sale
+ Content Product
+ Legal structuring
+ Cash flows
+ Product matrix
+ Overall strategy
+ Analytics and sales efficiency
+ Other verticals
+ International markets
Business value growth
We help companies turn complex scaling goals into a set of clear, feasible steps, build financial discipline and introduce a culture of partnership. Together, these will drive a significant increase in the company's revenue and value in a short time
Ultimate Capital - Investment Company
Ultimate Team
One of the principles of our company is human centricity. This means we work together as a team, and everyone is aligned to and personally responsible for a common cause.
Like the game of Ultimate Frisbee, we are centered around teamwork and hard work to achieving the highest standards. Here, we look to employ the best, empower the best, and work with the best to grow, thrive and prosper together
Ultimate Partners
Our partners
To turn an idea into profit, a highly motivated founding team and clear understanding of the business are required. With our deep operational expertise, we are ready to help companies at any stage scale, but the founders must be willing and ready to receive our help and guidance
The Ultimate Capital team joined us in the very early beginnings of Skillbox. Although we were of very different cultures, it was important that we agreed on a 3-year strategy and collaborated closely in executing it
Building a strong, sustainable business is not an easy task. It is critical that early-stage investors join us on our journey with 100% support beyond just as a provider of capital, and this is what Ultimate Capital has done
By working with a strategic investor like Ultimate, we received not only capital for growth, but also their deep operational expertise. We gained valuable knowledge in learning how to build our business for growth as well as be able to hire and engage the best people to help us on our journey
The Ultimate Capital team joined us in the very early beginnings of Skillbox. Although we were of very different cultures, it was important that we agreed on a 3-year strategy and collaborated closely in executing it
Building a strong, sustainable business is not an easy task. It is critical that early-stage investors join us on our journey with 100% support beyond just as a provider of capital, and this is what Ultimate Capital has done
By working with a strategic investor like Ultimate, we received not only capital for growth, but also their deep operational expertise. We gained valuable knowledge in learning how to build our business for growth as well as be able to hire and engage the best people to help us on our journey
Mass media