
Improving the quality of life through the building of an ecosystem of shared services

Our mobility


Mobility Market Value by 2026
Over the decade of its existence, the sharing economy has transformed from being just a theory to a powerful driving force globally, and Ultimate Capital sees the potential of this force in transforming lives
Electric scooter sharing service
in 17 major cities of Russia
Mln users
85 000
Growth reasons
The sharing economy is a new culture and business model, where users can borrow and lend idle assets with the use of technologies and online platforms
Between 2010 and 2018, more than $ 115 billion in investments were made in Shared Mobility startups, of which 94% came from outside the automotive industry
Market overview
Development of geolocation services
Expanding the range of mobile applications
Growing adoption of electric vehicles
Lack of parking spaces
Market trends
In modern society, the focus is increasingly shifting from ownership to use, which is far more profitable and many times more environmentally friendly

Dependence on demographic factors
Trust as the basis of regulation
Care about the environment
Creation of comfortable urban environment
Increasing government involvement
Mass media
In Shared Mobility, trust in the supplier (provider) of a product or service is essential. As such, the partners whom we work with must have the highest integrity, be 100% committed and have complete confidence in their businesses